Love at first sight.
Q: Why is a first look important?
A: A first look gives you the opportunity to experience an intimate moment together without all of the pressure of everybody watching you…this is when genuine emotions shine through and are captured.
“I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you.”
A first look helps calm the nerves for sure! It will give you peace of mind knowing that your significant other will be there for you to help calm those nerves…the stress from all of the planning and organizing, etc. seems to just melt away, to give you a chance to stop and smell the roses and to be able to be more present in the moment, together.
“I love how you still look at me the same as when we first met”
A first look gives you the opportunity to spend more time together, to get more bride & groom portraits before you become completely immersed in your guests.
“The moment I saw her, a part of me walked out of my body and wrapped itself around her. And there it still remains.”
Did you know that first looks aren’t just for you and your significant other?
That’s right! You could even have a little fun and gets your friends involved…why not? (this can be a blast!) You could have a first look with your bridesmaids, which can be super-sweet (and more often than not emotional), your groomsmen, which can be pretty fun and a faux first look can really put your mind and nerves at ease and lighten the mood with some ol’ fashion sore cheeks from laughing so much!
A first look with your siblings is unique and not seen very often…why not? Not only are they family but also friends!
A first look with the groom and mom or my personal favourite…first look with dad. Gets me every. time.
Afterall, this is one of the BIGGEST days of your life might as well make it as memorable as possible!
“It’s not that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but your best friends who are diamonds.”
“There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger and life a little bit better.”
“The greatest gift our parents ever gave us was each other.”
“Mothers hold their son’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.”
Father/daughter first looks are my personal favourite for a many different reasons, one being that it is such a genuinely special moment which can turn the burliest of men into absolute puddles, shining a spotlight on them which allows us to see the genuine connection between a girl and her dad and another being that I personally place a great value as it’s not something which I will ever experience due to the loss of my father, so, I have a deep personal connection (and I may or may not get attached and cry while photographing them) and because they’re just so dang sweet!
These moments are so important and planning them makes for great execution on our part-so if first looks are something which are important to you-let’s chat about how to work them into your BIG day!
“A father is the first and greatest love of his daughter’s life.”
And sometimes some just prefer the element of surprise! Whatever way you wish to go-it will be a beautiful moment that you will have forever!
Do what makes you happy and whichever way you choose to go-we like to plan and be there with you every step of the way!
-Peggy & Alex