An Autumn Acreage Wedding in Parkland County, AB.

Jenn & Graeme exchanged vows on a family acreage and were blessed with a beautifully warm October day, and the most vibrant of fall backdrops

Jenn & Graeme were our last wedding of the season and the weather decided it was going to show off-it was absolutely perfect!

The ceremony was short and sweet…and perfect.

Family is not an important thing. It is everything.
— Michael J. Fox

Jenn was absolutely stunning-she looked enchanting like a fairytale princess, Graeme looked dapper as can be, like he stepped straight outta GQ and their wedding party was such a great group who were great fun and filled with laughter-it was a good time!

This group was sweet and fun and lots of laughs were had!

A gorgeous yellow and orange glow from the foliage, a warm autumnal breeze and a wonderfully rustic backdrop made the perfect setting for some beautiful moments…Autumn is giving summer a run for it’s money and we are here for it!

Jenn & Graeme, thank you so much for choosing us to capture your lovely day!

We wish you a lifetime of beautiful autumns, filled with more love than you could ever imagine!

-Peggy & Alex

We couldn’t have asked for a better wrap to our chaotically busy season and we are thankful for each and every one of you-you are amazing!


Love at first sight.


A sweet, soulful wedding in Edmonton, AB.