Winter Wonderland!

Family Photo Session at a Maggies Hill Heritage Property, East of Edmonton, Alberta

So here we are…spriiiing? It’s got to be spring hasn’t it?! Hmm…feel like I’ve fallen for this before!!

We love to shooting family photo sessions at our clients homes and have had the pleasure of shooting at some beautiful homes and acreages, but this heritage log cabin was so unique and teaming with character we jumped at the opportunity to capture some memories here.

We met Martha, the property owner, for a pre-shoot consultation and she was good enough to give us a little tour of the place and share some really interesting stories about the cabins past, including the discovery of Joseph Tyrell compass close to the property on an old trail, which used to be the wagon trail which took early settlers and Metis to Edmonton. I had just finished reading a biography of David Thompson and Tyrell played such a key part in getting Thompson the recognition he deserved as an early explorer of the North West. The log cabin (built in 1891) is the oldest inhabited dwelling in Strathcona County and has been lovingly restored and is now used as an Airbnb for romantic getaways. Check out the link for more pictures and availability! Imagine raising six children in the original 1.5 storey cabin (around 600sq ft)- a strong voice would have been required!!

Okay enough history- on to the photo shoot! Firstly - it was cold. Like -20 cold if memory serves me. So after nearly freezing in the consultation I prepared for the shoot as if I myself was exploring the final frontier. ;) This session was just before Christmas and family was reuniting from the Yukon and Berlin for the holiday, so what a perfect time to get updated family pictures! We had a lot of fun on this session and the family was awesome- despite the cold weather there was barely a jacket in sight.

With a large family shoot like this we like to split the session up into lots of different combinations- so in this instance we did family, Mom and Dad with siblings, all the couples individually and different sibling combos. Heck we even got some nice photos of the dogs! Here’s a few of the final photos- clients receive 40 hand-edited images with our 1 hour Peak Plus session!

Martha & John - if you read this blog and I have any of the details wildly wrong, please let us know in the comments!



