Peak and Prairie Photography

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New Beginnings

Welcome to our very first blog post! We’ve got to get something on here before we launch the site and it’s pretty easy to pick a subject-the one thing that is pretty much consuming our lives right now (aside from the kids obviously) and is terrifying and hugely exciting in equal parts-starting our photography business!

So, if by any chance you don’t already know us, I’ll take this opportunity to make an introduction. I’m Alex, originally from England, residing here in Alberta for 3 years, and I’m happy to say a recently approved permanent resident, after a long, convoluted, coronavirus affected application process…Damn it feels so good! It’s funny the things you miss when you are a visitor in the place you call home…like having the right to work legally, healthcare during a pandemic etc, etc. My partner in crime (in life and photography) is Peggy, an Albertan for 20 years, born in Ontario, grew up in BC. We met online almost 10 years ago now (?!) and life has pretty much been a whirlwind ever since. But aside from our relationship something else was born when we met, conveniently getting us right back on track for this blog; our shared passion for photography.

After a few years of visits sandwiched in-between long periods of time apart, we had the news Ava (now 4 going on 5) was on her way. We had always spoken about who was going to move and we had plans, but this obviously forced our hand to just crack on and get it done! So, I wrapped up my life in the UK (including finishing renos on my house and getting it sold-shout out to Dad for giving up his weekends for months!) and moved to Alberta. This is really where for me photography began to change from a hobby to more of an obsession in my life, I was blown away by the beauty of the Rockies and the vastness of the wilderness. Having funds from the house sale gave us an opportunity to really level-up our camera gear to professional glass and full-frame bodies. Initially we were mainly focused on exploring and hiking in the mountains and badlands. Sometimes north to the lakes. But the emphasis was on landscape and wildlife photography which is really our first passion- we do have plans to offer prints for sale (like the one below) through this site eventually. The Prairies are beautiful but possibly not a great base for a landscape photographer! So, over time, our interests shifted. We had to evaluate how we could achieve the long-term aim of making a living doing what we love.

Now, I think you ask anyone who lives here…what makes the Prairies a great place to live? They might say the sunsets. But there’s a good chance they are going to say ‘the people’…and it’s true. Just on that subject it was hugely noticeable to me as a newcomer- there is a sense of community here which has maybe been lost back home, it’s how I imagine England was when my parents were growing up. People have each others backs and help each other out just because that’s how it works here. There is a kindness to strangers or newcomers which back home is often almost suspicion or indifference. Maybe it’s similar living in Edmonton or other big Canadian cities, but I don’t have experience of that. That’s not to say kindness doesn’t exist, it’s just not offered so freely, more like something which is earned. Sitting at Heathrow on the way over here I was eavesdropping on two ladies sitting next to me in departures. They were sharing stories about their time in London, laughing away chatting about this and that, talking about their families, the differences between the UK and Canada. To my ear, old friends chatting away. I couldn’t help but laugh inside when it became clear they had literally met 10 minutes ago, after an introduction to one ladies daughter. But this openness and friendliness is in a nutshell what I’m talking about is great about the people here.

I’m rambling! But this is also what makes setting up a photography business, whose predominant business aim is to capture beautiful images of people a real blast. Because the people make it seriously enjoyable. Peak and Prairie was born in 2019 and we have enjoyed a steady stream of bookings from amazing people who have trusted us with their photo needs, even with our relative inexperience and lack of social media presence. That is all about to change!

This first blog entry was going to be about the nuts and bolts of starting a photography business here in Alberta, but we’ll save that for another day as I’ve been well and truly sidetracked! And i’m getting impatient looks from Pegs as I sit here in my dressing gown while she gets the kids ready for a trip to Ikea, window-shopping for ideas for our upcoming Studio refurb. YES, Peak and Prairie are opening a studio here in Tofield in the coming months. We’ll be blogging our progress and keeping you all updated on that one.

If you made it this far - thanks for reading - and if you like what you see on our new site, get in touch and say hi, or just leave a comment below!

Cheers! Alex.

Last light on Roche Ronde, Yellowhead County, on a summer camping & photography trip.